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Durham Miners 2016

Members of GMB Bolton 23 have enjoyed the experience of attending the Durham Miners Gala in 2014 and in 2015, travelling on a joint union coach as day trippers. We enjoyed it so much we didn’t want the day to end.

GMB Bolton 23 at Durham Miners Gala

GMB Bolton 23 at Durham Miners Gala

We even took our Branch Banner with us and in 2016 , Bolton 23 members will be self funding a weekend stay at Durham.


For anybody who has never been to Durham Miners Gala, the whole of Durham becomes packed with union banners, bands and speakers take to the stage at the Racecourse. Last year in 2015, Jeremy Corbyn MP, attended before his election to be Labour Party leader.

Speaker at Durham Miners Gala 2015

Speaker at Durham Miners Gala 2015

Posted: 26th May 2016

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