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Branch News

Dates for diaries – Update Pride 2024

Posted: 15th May 2024

Pride 2024 –  Bolton Pride May update

GMB Bolton 23 branch will not be participating in Bolton Pride this year and instead will be supporting community prides such as Pride on the Range ( same date) and Bury Pride ( June 1st) alongside our partners Just a Ball Game and GMB NWI Shout!



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Please support GMB NWI Regional Christmas Appeal!

Posted: 22nd November 2022

This year our branch is supporting GMB North West and Irish Region’s Christmas Appeal to help Foodbanks and the Homeless.

The countdown to Christmas seems to have begun, stores are playing seasonal music and every supermarket has its Christmas advert playing on tv.

Donations of toiletries and personal hygiene items are things that people really…

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October Update

Posted: 27th October 2022

It’s been a very busy month for GMB Bolton 23 branch…..


The month began with a trip to Birmingham to remind the Tory Party conference that Enough is Enough and We Demand Better !

October sees the annual Show Racism the Red Card Day / Wear Red  Day and Stop Hate UK’s Hate Crime…

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Feeling the heat?

Posted: 12th August 2022

If you have any questions or concerns about the temperature you are working in speak to your team leader or manager.


If you still have concerns after this – get in touch with your local GMB rep or contact the branch 01204 331870

Hot work, either outdoors or indoors, can certainly lead to an…

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Supporting local workers taking action

Posted: 12th August 2022

Recently, we’ve been providing support and standing with local workers who are taking industrial action.

As a campaigning branch of GMB  trades union, we are committed to protecting and promoting the interests of working people and their families across our region.

Within many private workplaces, union members are choosing to ballot for industrial action for…

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Local GMB 23 branch members support RMT Strike

Posted: 24th June 2022

Bolton Trades Council , Unison, USDAW, Unite and Bolton Labour together with GMB supported RMT’s industrial Action in support of workers rights yesterday, Thursday June 23rd 2022.

After walking with banners from the Hub on Bold Street to Trinity Street station, messages of support from the trades unions and groups present were shared and an…

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