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Branch News

Team Pitchford joins Team NSPCC

Posted: 19th May 2022

On Sunday 22nd of May 2022 Branch Secretary Jo Pitchford and Bolton 23 Branch Rep Ruth Pitchford will be putting on their trainers and joining thousands of runners on the streets of Manchester for the Great Manchester Run, raising funds for the NSPCC.

The NSPCC is the only charity that is fighting to end child…

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A new year a new office!

Posted: 9th January 2022

We are delighted to announce that Bolton Local Government Branch 23 or Bolton 23 has moved offices between Christmas and New Year 2021.


We are still based above Bolton Market but have moved into Office 2 , which provides more space to support our members.


At this time we  are supporting many of…

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Posted: 12th April 2021

‘Fare Ye Well Alan’ – Retirement of Alan Flatley.


Alan Flatley retired as Branch Secretary  on Tuesday  6th April 2021.


Originally intending to retire end March 2020 Alan stayed on to support members through the  Covid pandemic and his service was commended by the Mayor of Bolton Councillor Linda Thomas on his final…

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The day we went to London #TUCnewdeal 2018

Posted: 14th May 2018

On Saturday May 21st the TUC organised a march and rally in London.



The event was organised to give people the opportunity to demand a new deal for working people…..and tens of thousands of people marched calling for an end to austerity, for an end to zero hour contacts, for a fully funded…

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Dying to Work Charter signed by Bolton Council

Posted: 7th September 2017

Dying to Work Charter signed by Bolton Council, NW TUC and Joint Trades Unions

Members of GMB Bolton 23 Branch Committee, (The second largest trades union within Bolton Council) attended the signing of the Dying to Work Charter on Monday 4th September at Bolton Town Hall. A full council motion to adopt the Charter was…

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