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Branch News

Labour Manifesto ‘Would Change Millions of Lives’

Posted: 19th May 2017

The country is crying out for change and this manifesto can deliver it.

GMB has backed the Labour manifesto which will practically change millions of lives. Jeremy Corbyn unveiled the party’s pledges to the country in Bradford this morning.

It includes promises on social care, housing, the NHS, a new minimum wage of £10 per…

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General Election Update – JUNE 8 2017

Posted: 21st April 2017

A message from GMB General Secretary Tim Roache regarding the upcoming General Election

It will not have escaped anyone’s attention that a General Election has been announced.

We will be at the polls in just 7 weeks with a very clear choice ahead. Things are fast moving at this stage and we are speaking…

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Wishing you a Happy New 2017!

Posted: 30th December 2016

2016 was a very busy year for very many people and no less for Bolton GMB 23 Branch.

Why not become more involved in 2017?

We’re already making plans for self funded trips to Durham Miners and Tolpuddle Festival in July so if you are interested in joining us contact the office.


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Bolton GMB 23 – Forward with Bolton Pride

Posted: 23rd September 2016

Bolton pride takes place Saturday and Sunday 24th and 25th of September and Bolton GMB 23 is again involved.

We will be taking part in the Bolton Pride Parade – watch out for our new flags and on Sunday 25th September we’ll be running a stall from noon til 5pm on the Town Hall Square,…

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Workers Memorial Day – Annually 28th April Worldwide

Posted: 6th September 2016

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers’ Memorial Day (WMD) commemorates those workers.

Workers’ Memorial Day is held on 28 April every year, all…

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