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Mental health and wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing

If you’re ever feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier ,please know  that you’re not on your own.

Within work our members  who wish to talk about their mental health can also get support from management; the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) or can  speak to their own GP or speak to a Mental Health First Aider.

Within the branch a number of  branch reps are part of the Bolton Council team of Mental Health First Aiders  Just like physical first aid, MHFA training is focused on an action plan that aims to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery, through practical skills that can be used every day.

If you would like more information contact the Branch on 01204 331870 or check the  Bolton Council INTRANET.


” Stress is an adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure -HSE”

Its not a disease or a sign of weakness but if the pressure is intense and goes on for some time it can lead to physical and mental ill health.

Every year, more than 400,000 of us suffer from stress-related illnesses linked to our work. The impacts on our physical and mental health can be severe.

If you’re stressed, there are steps you can take that will help. For example:

  • talking to friends, co-workers or your union rep
  • seeking advice from your GP or a helpline
  • getting regular exercise and eating well

However, if the stress is caused by problems at work (e.g. long hours or an excessive workload) it might not go away until those problems have been fixed.

There’s no specific law dealing with stress at work, but it does fall under your employer’s general responsibility to keep you safe at work. Your employer has specific policies to deal with stress.

If you’re having trouble with stress, contact us and we  will be able to provide advice.

Recently our branch launched a workplace stress survey and will be organising more drop ins to discuss issues  and concerns.

Check if your workplace has a GMB notice board and let us know if you would like a workplace visit