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Please support GMB NWI Regional Christmas Appeal!

This year our branch is supporting GMB North West and Irish Region’s Christmas Appeal to help Foodbanks and the Homeless.

The countdown to Christmas seems to have begun, stores are playing seasonal music and every supermarket has its Christmas advert playing on tv.

Donations of toiletries and personal hygiene items are things that people really need at this time of year and every single item will go to help people in our region.

This year the branch won’t be sending cards out and instead we’ll be making a donation to this appeal.

Any donations can be given to local reps including Ruth at Castle Hill, Susan on the 5th floor of the Town Hall or to Mark , Paul or Mahroof in place, or dropped off at the GMB office at Ashburner Street….

If you would like us to collect, please give us a call – 01204 331870.


All items need to be collected by December 16th so that they can be given to people for Christmas….


Posted: 22nd November 2022

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